Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Owl City

OWl city
I'm tired of waking up in tears
'Cause I can not put to bed these phobias and fears
I'm new to this grief I can not explain
But I'm no stranger to the Heartache and the pain

The fire is burning me I Began alive
But I know better than to leave and let it die

I'm a silhouette asking every now and then
"Is it over yet? Will I ever feel again?"
I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own
But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone
So I watch the summer stars to lead me home

I'm sick of the past I can not erase
A Jumble of footprints and Hasty steps I can retrace
The mountain of things I still regret
Is a vile reminder that I would rather just forget (no matter where I go)

The fire
 is burning me I Began alive
But I know better than to leave and let it die

I'm a silhouette asking every now and then (now and then)
"Is it over yet? Will I ever smile again?"
I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own
But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone
So I watch the summer stars to lead me home

'Cause I walk alone
No matter where I go
'Cause I walk alone
No matter where I go
'Cause I walk alone
No matter where I go

I'm a silhouette asking every now and then (now and then)
"Is it over yet? Will I ever love again?"
I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own
But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone
So I watch the summer stars to lead me home

I watch the summer stars to lead me home

semangat !

Huaaa tgl 2 juni 2014 kita bakal menghadapi yang namanya ujian semesterr.gaa siaappp tp ttp siap ga siap harus siap wkwk.Wish Us luck ajaa buat kita semuaa huhu

Are You The One?

"Are You The One?"

Are you the one?
The traveller in time who has come
To heal my wounds to lead me to the sun
To walk this path with me until the end of time

Are you the one?
Who sparkles in the night like fireflies
Eternity of evening sky
Facing the morning eye to eye

Are you the one?
Who'd share this life with me
Who'd dive into the sea with me

Are you the one?
Who's had enough of pain
And doesn't wish to feel the shame, anymore
Are you the one?

Are you the one?
Who's love is like a flower that needs rain
To wash away the feeling of pain
Which sometimes can lead to the chain of fear

Are you the one?
To walk with me in garden of a stars
The universe, the galaxies and Mars
The supernova of our love is true

Are you the one?
Who'd share this life with me
Who'd dive into the sea with me

Are you the one?
Who's had enough of pain
And doesn't wish to feel the shame, anymore
Are you the one?


Are you the one?
Who'd share this life with me
Who'd dive into the sea with me

Are you the one?
Who's had enough of pain
And doesn't wish to feel the shame, anymore
Are you the one?


1. Mie rebus. Gue sih pake Indomie rasa Ayam Bawang. 
2. Susu full-cream yang putih. Inget ya, full-cream. Karena susu full-cream itu nggak terlalu manis dan rasanya gurih. Jangan yang kental manis kalo nggak mau enek duluan. Tapi sih, boleh-boleh aja kalo perut lu terbuat dari karet. Gue pake susu Ultra Milk full-cream yang bungkusnya warna biru muda itu. Susu bubuk? Bisa. 
3. Bahan pelengkap kayak keju, daging, telur (masaknya dipisah), dll. Gue sih polos aja.

1. Panci.
2. Kompor.
3. Api (ya iyalah!).

Cara membuat:
1. Seperti biasa, buka bungkus indomie dan tuang bumbunya ke mangkok. Kecuali yang bumbu minyaknya, ya. Soalnya bikin enek. Jadi, pake yang bumbu biasa dan cabenya aja. Kalo pake keju, bumbu dan cabenya dimasukin 3/4 aja. Kalo dimasukin semua, nanti keasinan. Tapi, semuanya balik lagi ke selera. Gue bikin nggak pake keju, makanya gue masukin semua.
2. Nyalain kompor pake api, jangan pake air. Kita mau masak, bukan nyirem tanaman. Panasin air di dalam panci sampe mendidih. Terus, masukin indomienya. 
3. Aduk-aduk dulu sebentar. Kira-kira satu menitan, air rebusannya dibuang. Kalo udah, masukin deh susu full-cream yang tadi. Aduk-aduk lagi. Apinya jangan gede-gede. Nah, kalo gue, sejak awal langsung pake susu full-cream yang udah disiapin. Jadi nggak repot-repot lagi buang-buang air rebusan. Buat yang pake susu bubuk, susu bubuknya dicampur sama air. Dikira-kira aja. Sesuai selera.
4. Masukin bahan pelengkap sesuai selera.
5. Kalo udah mateng, langsung sajiin deh di mangkok. Aduk-aduk sampe rata. 
6. Silakan menikmati! 

17 Again

There ain't nothing like 'em first loves baby
Remember them high school days
Friday nights come n' dances
Givin' my old letterman's jacket away
To hold us a name

But now it's you and me talking on the phone til 4 AM
About anything and everything
Making me feel young again like ain't a damn thing changed
Ain't a damn thing changed

Makes me wanna sneak down your driveway
To climb out your window
Get in girl, we'll roll 'til the dirt road ends
You can climb up in that back seat
With your pretty little bare feet
Get the butterflies like we used to
Got our innocence
Just like we're 17 again

I thought them feelings was long gone baby
But you take me back in time
Just like spring break in Panama City
Girl from Indiana sure was pretty
But she ain't got nothin' on you tonight

Cause you're like the summer lovin' don't come or go
Never had to say goodbye
I wake up in the morning feeling like a first kiss
Every time your lips touch mine

Makes me wanna sneak down your driveway
To climb out your window
Get in girl, we'll roll 'til the dirt road ends
You can climb up in that back seat
With your pretty little bare feet
Get the butterflies like we used to
Got our innocence
Just like we're 17 again

Lookin back I wish I could put you inside every memory
(Every memory)
You can be my first love
My first kiss
My first and last everything

Makes me wanna sneak down your driveway
And climb out your window
Get in girl, we'll roll 'til the dirt road ends
You can climb up in that back seat
With your pretty little bare feet
Get your butterflies like we used to
Got our innocence
Just like we're 17 again
Yeah just like we're 17 again

17 Again

17 Again

There ain't nothing like 'em first loves baby
Remember them high school days
Friday nights come n' dances
Givin' my old letterman's jacket away
To hold us a name

But now it's you and me talking on the phone til 4 AM
About anything and everything
Making me feel young again like ain't a damn thing changed
Ain't a damn thing changed

Makes me wanna sneak down your driveway
To climb out your window
Get in girl, we'll roll 'til the dirt road ends
You can climb up in that back seat
With your pretty little bare feet
Get the butterflies like we used to
Got our innocence
Just like we're 17 again

I thought them feelings was long gone baby
But you take me back in time
Just like spring break in Panama City
Girl from Indiana sure was pretty
But she ain't got nothin' on you tonight

Cause you're like the summer lovin' don't come or go
Never had to say goodbye
I wake up in the morning feeling like a first kiss
Every time your lips touch mine

Makes me wanna sneak down your driveway
To climb out your window
Get in girl, we'll roll 'til the dirt road ends
You can climb up in that back seat
With your pretty little bare feet
Get the butterflies like we used to
Got our innocence
Just like we're 17 again

Lookin back I wish I could put you inside every memory
(Every memory)
You can be my first love
My first kiss
My first and last everything

Makes me wanna sneak down your driveway
And climb out your window
Get in girl, we'll roll 'til the dirt road ends
You can climb up in that back seat
With your pretty little bare feet
Get your butterflies like we used to
Got our innocence
Just like we're 17 again
Yeah just like we're 17 again

17 Again

Minggu, 25 Mei 2014


1 gram racun dari ular king kobra cukup untuk membunuh 150 orang.


Nyamuk lebih gemar hinggap di tubuh wanita yang memiliki wewangian, berambut pirang dan hamil. [GeniusBeauty]

Baru tahu

Lubang di kaos tempat memasukan lengan atau tangan di sebut 'Armsaye'.

Berat badan

90% wanita naik berat badannya setelah berpacaran/ menjalin asmara jangka panjang. [LighterLife]

Kumbang badak

Kumbang badak dapat mengangkat beban hingga 850 kali berat tubuhnya, setara dengan manusia mengangkat beban seberat 65 ton.

Are you know?

Tahukah Anda, ada penelitian yang menyebutkan berat kita tertinggi pada minggu malam dan terendah pada jumat pagi


Di Jepang terdapat pemandian air panas dengan kuah kari.

Kentang goreng

Zat Arcylamide pada kentang goreng dapat menyebabkan bayi lahir dengan berat di bawah normal dan lingkar kepala kecil. [Tribunnews]


Pemandu pendaki gunung dari Nepal Appa Sherpa telah mendaki sampai ke puncak Gunung Everest sebanyak 18 kali.


3 dari 4 pengguna ponsel tak peduli Etika saat bertelepon. [mashable .com]


Mendengkur keras bisa menyebabkn sseorang mati muda, terkait peningkatn risiko penyakit jantung dan stroke. [Henry Ford Hospital di Detroit]


Dalam buku asli 'Rambo', dia membunuh dirinya sendiri di akhir cerita.


Pria lebih suka wanita tipe feminim sebagai target diajak selingkuh, karena mereka tampak lebih muda dan subur. [University of Stirling]

70 %

Menurut penelitian di Florida Selatan, es batu yang terbuat dari air mentah mengandung 70 persen bakteri ecoli lebih banyak dari air toilet.

Bon Jovi

Sebelum terkenal, Jon Bon Jovi pernah bekerja sebagai penyapu lantai di sebuah studio rekaman bernama 'Power Station Studio'.


Sering menahan kentut dapat menyebabkan seseorang sulit untuk buang air besar.


Berbisik lebih banyak menyebabkan kerusakan pada pita suara daripada berbicara normal.


Eva Air asal China memiliki pesawat dengan tema Hello Kitty.

Planet Saturn

Sebagian dari planet Saturnus terbuat dari helium.

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014


Tidur larut dan bangun siang dpt membuat daya ingat menurun, krna keseringan begadang dpt membuat performa otak 3-5 thn lebih tua dari usia.


Saat duduk di kelas 9 sekolah menengah, Eminem pernah tiga kali tidak naik kelas.

Kok bisa..

Di Israel, film 'Knocked Up' judul film berubah menjadi 'The Date That Screwed Me' (Kencan yang Memusingkan Aku).


Ternyata, tidur tanpa menggunakan pakaian bisa membantu Anda meningkatkan sirkulasi udara pada area intim sehingga terhindar infeksi


Mikey Welsh, basis dari Weezer, pernah ngetwit 'Saya akan mati pekan depan karena serangan Jantung', dan ia meninggal pada minggu tsb.


Menurut penelitian, waktu 'Paling Bahagia' dalam seminggu adalah 19:26 pada hari Sabtu Malam. [DailyMail]


Setiap kali kita bersin, beberapa sel otak mati.


90 persen wanita rata-rata naik berat badannya sebanyak 8,3 kg setelah berpacaran lama. [Survei dari LighterLife]

Ikan keren

Ikan 'Sicyopterus Stimpsoni' asal Hawaii, mampu memanjat air terjun dengan hanya menggunakan mulutnya.


Mahasiswa UGM membuat sebuah selai roti yaitu selai ampas tahu, yang diketahui mengandung isoflavon yang mampu mencegah penuaan dini.


Anaconda dalam bahasa Tamil 'anaikondran' yang berarti 'pembunuh gajah'.


Sebenarnya pemakaian lagu 'Happy Birthday to You' utk kegiatan komersil dikenakn biaya berkisar $5,000 - $30,000, brlaku dr thn 2013 - 2030.

Iya apa?

Tingkat kepercayaan seseorang kepada orang lain dapat meningkat hanya dengan saling berpelukan selama 20 detik.


Didit Hadiprasetyo, seorang desainer Indonesia dipercaya mendesain mobil BMW Seri 7 Individual edisi spesial.


Pria yang menderita rabies dapat berejakulasi secara tidak terkontrol hingga 30 kali sehari.


Pyrotechnics adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang seni Kembang Api, para ahlinya harus mengerti tentang reaksi fisika dan kimia.


Sebutir chocolate chip dapat memberi energi yang cukup untuk berjalan sejauh 46 - 50 meter.


Warna putih adalah campuran dari semua warna terkecuali di campur warna hitam.

Pisang !

Pisang mengandung 3 gula sehat alami, fruktosa, sukrosa dan glukosa. Pilihan tepat untuk meningkatkan energi dalam seketika.

Kamis, 22 Mei 2014

Abad 19

Pada abad 19 Bangsa Arab menyebut wilayah kepulauan Jawa sbg Jaza'ir al-Jawi, Samathrah (Sumatera), Sholibis (Sulawesi) dan Sundah (Sunda).


Penelitian membuktikan bahwa bayi yang masih dalam kandungan sudah diperdengarkan musik akan tumbuh lebih sehat dan pintar.


Orang yg bisa menikmati hidupnya cenderung hidup lebih lama, yaitu hingga 9-10 thn kdepan, dbandingkn mreka yg sring mengeluh. [studi]


Cahaya buatan yang dipaparkan komputer dan ponsel bisa menyebabkan orang sulit tidur dan juga memicu seseorang untuk mengonsumsi kafein.


Hidung kita terhubung ke pusat memori otak, itulah sebabnya bau memicu kenangan kuat.


Menghirup bau kemenyan mampu sembuhkan penyakit Asma, karena kemenyan mengandung zat anti-inflamasi (penghilang radang non infeksi).


Dengan menggunakan teknik pyrolysis, plastik bisa dirubah menjadi bensin.


Sejenis kera bernama Monyet Capuchin mengerti 'konsep uang'. Mereka biasa mencuri, menukarkan makanan dengan makanan lain dan bahkan seks.

Melompat tali

Menurut hasil penelitian, melompat tali secara rutin akan melepaskan hormon endorphin, hormon yang memberikan perasaan senang.


Membaca buku dapat menurunkan tingkat hormon stres yang tidak sehat, seperti kortisol.


Menurut survei, banyak wanita lebih menyukai jika pria mau mengungkapkan emosi terdalamnya dengan menangis. [Blodsky]


52% wanita yg baru saja mendengarkan lagu romantis berpeluang memberikan nomor kontak pd pria yg baru dikenal. [Journal Psychology of Music]


Sekitar 13 persen wanita pernah merebut pacar temannya. [Survei pada majalah Elle]

Bunuh diri

Menurut penelitian, pekerja seni dan ilmu pasti 50 persen lebih mudah melakukan bunuh diri ketimbang orang umum. [NatGeo]


Di Indonesia, serial anime Doraemon pertama kali ditayangkan di TVRI Yogyakarta pada tahun 1974.


Dokter yang menghabiskan setidaknya 3 jam seminggu bermain video game membuat 37 persen lebih sedikit kesalahan dlm operasi bedah. [nbcnews]


BJ.Habibie memiliki poin IQ 200+ sementara Albert Einstein Physicist hanya 160.


Menunda-nunda dapat melemahkan sistem kekebalan tubuh serta penyebab insomnia.

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014


Kesendirian dan kesepian adalah dua hal yang berbeda, sendiri itu objektif sedangkan kesepian itu subjektif.

Adat Jawa

Tata upacara pernikahan adat Jawa turut dilestarikan di Republik Demokratik Kongo.

Musik Klasik

Mendengarkan musik klasik ketika belajar, membuat lebih baik dalam ujian matematika. [DailyMail]

Bisa Jadi

Mnrt studi org yg percaya makanan sbg pnybab gemuk lbh brhsil mnurunkan berat badan drpd yg prcaya krn kurang gerak. [psychologicalscience]


Kira-kira 48 persen pria mendengkur ketika tidur, hanya 22 persen pada wanita.


Jika gula pasir diberikan pada luka ringan berdarah, akan membantu dalam proses penyembuhan dan juga akan menghentikan aliran darah.


Tempe terpanjang di dunia dibuat oleh warga Kwaron RT 05/RW 11, Kelurahan Bangetayu Kulon, Kecamatan Genuk, Semarang dgn panjang 501,74 m.


Koala jantan menandai daerah mereka dengan cara menggosokkan dada mereka ke pohon.


Hanya 20 orang dalam sejarah memiliki 'Hyperthymesia', yang berarti mereka ingat setiap detail kehidupan mereka.


Tahukah Anda, milkshake pisang adalah salah satu obat mabuk yang paling efektif.


ShowMycobacterium Vaccae adalah bakteri yang banyak terdapat dalam tanah, bakteri ini juga dapat membuat orang merasa bahagia.

Serial Tv

Serial TV animasi pertama yang memenangkan Emmy Award adalah The Huckleberry Hound Show

Warga Paris

Pada 1870-an, warga Paris dipaksa untuk memakan daging kuda, karena daging sapi langka selama perang Perancis-Prusia.


Kafein tidak hanya terdapat pada kopi, bahkan kafein banyak terdapat di teh.


Tingkat kecelakaan di Dubai menurun 20 persen saat server global Blackberry lumpuh. [Survei The National]


Komputer terkecil di dunia berukuran lebih dari 1 milimeter kubik.

Kelopak Mata

Kelopak mata merupakan jaringan kulit tertipis, sedangkan telapak kaki adalah jaringan kulit paling tebal di tubuh manusia.


Bangunan-bangunan yang dibuat manusia menjadi petunjuk arah bagi burung merpati.


Untuk menurunkan berat badan, porsi nasi yang dianjurkan oleh ahli gizi adalah sebesar genggaman tangan sendiri.

Senin, 19 Mei 2014


Piala Oscar yang diberikan selama Perang Dunia 2 terbuat dari kayu, karena pasokan logam saat itu sedikit.


Kota Mexico memiliki lebih banyak Taxi daripada kota lain di dunia.


Antartika adalah satu-satunya wilayah yang tidak dimiliki negara manapun.


Donal Bebek memiliki saudara perempuan bernama Dumbella.


Ronaldo mengubah model rambutnya setelah Brasil mengalahkan Inggris agar tampil beda dengan temannya, Roberto Carlos.


Roma adalah kota pertama yang berpenduduk satu juta orang pada 133 SM.

Orang utan

Orang utan dapat tertawa terbahak-bahak.


Mesin fax dipatenkan pada tahun 1843 oleh Alexander Bain, namun mesin faxnya baru dipergunakan pada tahun 1964.


McDonald's telah menjual hamburger 12 kali lipat dari jumlah keseluruhan penduduk dunia.

Air matang

Es yang dibuat dari air matang akan terlihat bening karena gas di dalam air terlepaskan ketika proses perebusan.


Dalam air mentah ada banyak bakteri e-coli.


Rata-rata ketebalan lapisan es di Kutub Selatan mencapai 2.000m, bahkan mencapai 4.000m.


Ilmuwan asal Montreal University, Kanada, menciptakan pil penghapus memori buruk (via:vivanews)


Seorang seniman bernama Cherry Tree, menciptakan sebuah parfum dengan bahan terbuat dari urin.


Bangsa Klingon dalam film Star Trek menuturkan bahasa Klingon yang dibuat oleh Marc Okrand, seorang linguis Amerika.

Ibu tiri

Novercaphobia adalah ketakutan terhadap ibu tiri.


Kecepatan tertinggi seekor cheetah (120 km/jam) sanggup mengalahkan kecepatan tertinggi kereta di Indonesia (90-100 km/jam). [kompas .com]


Di Rusia, Anda tidak sopan untuk menolak vodka.


Sering pasang status galau di media sosial, remaja labil rentan diincar Paedofil Online. [detikHealth]


Gempa yang paling mematikan adalah gempa di Shanxi Cina, pada 23 Januari 1556. Sekitar 830 ribu korban meninggal akibat gempa tsb.


Minum air kelapa secara rutin dpt menjaga kulit tetap sehat. Air kelapa dpt berperan sbg pelembab yg menurunkan kelebihan minyak di kulit.


Mayones dapat digunakan sebagai kondisioner rambut.


Tahukah Anda, jika menghemat 1 ton kertas, berarti kita juga menghemat 13 pohon, 400 liter minyak, 4.100 Kwh listrik dan 31.780lt air.


Menurut survei di Amerika, Wanita dengan IQ tinggi lebih sulit mendapatkan pasangan hidup.


Bali pernah dinobatkan sebagai Island Destination Of The Year 2013, dalam China Travel & Meeting Industry Awards 2013.


Dalam permainan Scrabble, rekor point tertinggi dari sebuah kata dipegang Michael Cresta melalui kata 'QUIXOTRY' yang mencapai 365 point.


Narwhals (paus bertanduk) dapat merangkak di atas tanah kering untuk jarak hingga 50 meter dari air.

Ibu hamil

Ibu hamil yang memiliki penyakit gusi (radang gusi, gusi bengkak, gusi berdarah) berisiko 7 kali lebih besar untuk melahirkan bayi prematur.

Minggu, 18 Mei 2014


Kantor Apple Computer Co pertama berada di garasi milik keluarga Steve Jobs pada tahun 1976.


Mata yang berwarna biru sensitif terhadap cahaya.


Flyer adalah pesawat pertama yang diterbangkan di Kitty Hawk oleh Wright Bersaudara pada 17 Desember 1903.

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Ain't No Sunshine

[Spoken Intro:]
You ever want something
that you know you shouldn't have
The more you know you shouldn't have it,
The more you want it
And then one day you get it,
It's so good too
But it's just like my girl
When she's around me
I just feel so good, so good
But right now I just feel cold, so cold
Right down to my bones
'Cause ooh...
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
It's not warm when she's away
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And she's always gone too long
Anytime she goes away

Wonder this time where she's gone
Wonder if she's gone to stay
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away

I know, I know, I know, I know,
I know, know, know, know, know,
I know, I know,
Hey I ought to leave
I ought to leave her alone
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
Only darkness every day
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
And this house just ain't no home
Anytime she goes away

A Sky Full Of Stars

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path

I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I wanna die in your arms
'Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark
I'm gonna give you my heart

I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I see you
I think I see you

You're a sky, you're a sky full of stars
Such a heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view

A Rush Of Blood To The Head

You said I'm gonna buy this place and burn it down
I'm gonna put it six feet underground
You said I'm gonna buy this place and watch it fall
Stand here beside me baby in the crumbling walls
Oh I'm gonna buy this place and start a fire
Stand here until I fill all your hearts desires
Because I'm gonna buy this place and see it burn
And do back the things it did to you in return

Huuuhhhh [x4]

You said I'm gonna buy a gun and start a war
If you can tell me something worth fighting for
Oh and I'm gonna buy this place is what I said
Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head

Honey, all the movements you're starting to make
See me crumble and fall on my face
And I know the mistakes that I've made
See it all disappear without trace
And they call as they beckon you on
They say start as you need to go on
Start as you need to go on

You said I'm gonna buy this place and see it go
And stand here beside me baby, watch the orange glow
Some'll laugh and some just sit and cry
But you just sit down there and you wonder why

So I'm gonna buy a gun and start a war
If you can tell me something worth fighting for
And I'm gonna buy this place is what I said
Blame it upon a rush of blood to the head
Oh to the head

Honey, all the movements you're starting to make
See me crumble and fall on my face
And I know the mistakes that I've made
See it all disappear without trace
And they call as they beckon you on
They say start as you need to go on
As you need to go on
As you need to go on

So meet me by the bridge
Oh meet me by the lane
When am I gonna see that pretty face again
Oh meet me on the road
Meet me where I said
Blame it all upon a rush of blood to the head

A Message 2010

My song is love
My song is love, unknown
And it goes up
You don't have to be alone

My heavy heart
Looks like it's made of stone
But it's so hard to see, clearly
You don't have to be on your own
You don't have to be on your own

And I'm not gonna take it back
Oh I'm not gonna say I don't mean that
You're the target that I'm aiming at
And I'm not singing on my own

That bitter breathe
That bitter breathe has blown
Left me on fire, for you, clearly
Taken everything and gone
It’s taken everything I own

But I'm not gonna take it back
I’m not gonna say I don’t mean that
You're the target that I'm aiming at
And I'm nothing on my own
Got to get that message home

I'm not gonna stand and wait
Not gonna leave it until it's much too late
On a platform I'm gonna stand and say
Oh I'm nothing on my own
Till that bitter breathe has blown

My song is love, Is love uknown
And I’ve got to get that message home

A Message

My song is love
Love to the loveless shown
And it goes on
You don't have to be alone
Your heavy heart
Is made of stone
And it's so hard to see you clearly
You don't have to be on your own
You don't have to be on your own

And I'm not gonna take it back
And I'm not gonna say, "I don't mean that"
You're the target that I'm aiming at
Got to get that message home

My song is love
My song is love, unknown
But I'm on fire for you, clearly
You don't have to be alone
You don't have to be on your own

And I'm not gonna take it back
And I'm not gonna say, "I don't mean that"
You're the target that I'm aiming at
And I'm nothing on my own
Got to get that message home

And I'm not gonna stand and wait
Not gonna leave it until it's much too late
On a platform I'm gonna stand and say
That I'm nothing on my own
And I love you, please come home

My song is love, is love unknown
And I've got to get that message home


Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living in my head
And since I fell for that spell
I am living there as well

Time is so short and I’m sure
There must be something more

Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living in my head oh…
And since I fell for that spell
I am living there as well oh…

Time is so short and I’m sure
There must be something more

You thought you might be a ghost
You thought you might be a ghost
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close

You thought you might be a ghost
You thought you might be a ghost
You didn’t get to heaven but you made it close
You didn’t get to heaven but you oh-oh-ooh, oh-oh-ooh
Oh oh…

Those who are dead are not dead
They’re just living in my head


Stuck in a corner
Are monkeys in cages
That don't have a number
To fight one another
Try to recover

Climb up the ladder
Look up and you see birds
Blind as each other
How long can we suffer?
We're as blind as each other

On the cloud that you're sitting
There's one born every minute
So much to discover
I've become a believer

Sisters and brothers
Who fight one another
Will mourn and deceive us
Will find us and keep us
Take us or leave us

How soon is now, yeah?
How long is never?
I'm nothing but normal
With something together
Come on and stick together

On the cloud that you're sitting
There's one born every minute
So much to discover
I've become a believer

Senin, 12 Mei 2014


I'm not saying it was your fault
Although you could have done more

Oh you're so naive yet so

How could this be done
Your such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly way
Something so beautiful
That everytime I look inside

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

I may say it was your fault
Cause I know you could have done more

Oh you're so naive yet so

How could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart
Oh and your sweet and pretty face
In such an ugly way something so beautiful
Everytime I look inside

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

I know that she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it may be
She's still out to get me

How could this be done
By such a smiling sweetheart

Oh you're so naive yet so

Such an ugly thing
Someone so beautiful
And everytime you're on his side

I know she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it maybe be she's still out to get me

And I know she knows that I'm not fond of asking
True or false it maybe be she's still out to get me

Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to your kite
Just don't let me down
Just don't let me down
Hold on to this kite
Just don't let me down


Where you from, how's it going?
I know you
Gotta clue, what you're doing?
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here
But I know what you are, what you are, baby

Look at you
Gettin' more than just re-up
Baby, you
Got all the puppets with their strings up
Fakin' like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are, baby

Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you're a womanizer, baby
You, You, You are, you, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer (womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You got me going, you also charming, but I can do it, you womanizer
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You say I'm Crazy, I got you crazy, you're nothing but a womanizer

You got the swagger of champions
So bad for you
Just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
It could be easy, who you are, that's who you are baby
Must mistake me as a sucker
To think that I
Would be a victim not another
Say it, play it how you wanna, but no way
I'm ever gonna fall for you, never you, baby

Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you're a womanizer, baby
You, You, You are, you, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer (womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You got me going, you also charming, but I can do it, you womanizer
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You say I'm Crazy, I got you crazy, you're nothing but a womanizer

Maybe if we both lived in a different world
It would be all good, and maybe I could be yaw girl
But I can't 'cause we don't
Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you're a womanizer, baby
You, You, You are, you, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer (womanizer)
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You got me going, you also charming, but I can do it, you womanizer
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
You say I'm Crazy, I got you crazy, you're nothing but a womanizer
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Boy, don't try to front. I-I know just-just what you are-a-a
Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh, you're a womanizer, baby

Shelter You

Don’t you know it’s gonna rain
All the things I said I do
I didn’t fix them, did I?
On a plane, I don’t want to go away
I couldn’t help it, could I?

I don’t want to drag you down
I’m just gonna shelter you
Keep you warm, safe and sound
It’s not like you to listen to the crowd
It’s just this dirty town

It goes on and on for days
From the curtain, we see stars
I didn’t stop that, did I?

When the pain
We get better just to find the same again
I couldn’t help it, could I?

I don’t want to drag you down
I just gonna shelter you
Keep you warm, safe and sound
It’s not like you to use your eyes like that on me
Don’t listen to the crowd

It’s just this dirty town
Don’t break me
Don’t break me
Don’t break me
Don’t break me

Don't Get Me Wrong

Don't get me wrong, if I'm looking kind of dazzled
I see neon lights, whenever you walk by
Don't get me wrong, if you say hello and I take a ride
Upon a sea where the mystic moon is playing havoc with the tide
Don't get me wrong

Don't get me wrong, if I'm acting so distracted
I'm thinking about the fireworks that go off when you smile
Don't get me wrong, if I split like light refracted
I'm only off to wander across a moonlit mile

Once in a while, two people meet
Seemingly for no reason, they just pass on the street
Suddenly thunder showers everywhere
But who can explain the thunder and rain, but there's something in the air

Don't get me wrong, if I come and go like fashion
I might be great tomorrow, but hopeless yesterday
Don't get me wrong, if I fall in the mode of passion
It might be unbelievable, but let's not say so long
It might just be fantastic, don't get me wrong

Holding On Nothing

[Verse 1:]
Sometimes I see his face
I want to hold you but it feels unsafe
Too scared to give me heart up now
I'm not brave enough to play my part now

[Bridge 1:]
Can you guarantee that you'll stay
Here with me, with me

[Verse 2:]
Feels strange like a foreign thing
I'm still waiting for the love to kick in
Sometimes when I watch you sleeping
I keep hand to check you're breathing

[Bridge 2:]
It's not fair, not your fault
Not at all, not at all

Once bitten, twice shy
I try and I try, I try
Cause I'm holding on to nothing
I'm holding on to nothing
Once bitten, twice shy

[Verse 3:]
I can't seem to find the strength
What's the point in keeping you at arm's length
I want to love you but I can't imagine
What I'd do if the worst did happen



[Bridge 3:]
Where I've been, never thought
No I won't go back
Couldn't take anymore
I'm not going back
Going back, going back


Miserable Without Your Love

I'm a beautiful (beautiful)
Powerful (powerful)
Fashionable (best dressed)

But I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love
I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love

Tell me I'm brilliant and talented and that I'm the best
And do you think I've still got it I think I've been depressed

There's no more free shit, my packages
My ten trips to the lemon trees My handbags, my pieces
I felt your words beneath me

Please sir, do you want my picture?
Do you want my address?
Do you want my fame?
Do you want my star?

Do you want my beauty?
Do you want my power?
Do you want my number?
Do you want my love?

I'm a beautiful (beautiful)
Powerful (powerful)
Fashionable (best dressed)

But I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love
I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love

Sometimes I think to myself
That I might have got it all
The path I've chosen
Might not be the one I should be on

I can't get enthusiastic
About a shit load of plastic
I thought that would be easy
I thought it would complete me

But I want my evenings
And I want my girlfriends
And I want my peace
And I want my drugs

And I want my figure
And I want my glamour
And I want my life back
Where you're mine

I'm a beautiful (beautiful)
Powerful (powerful)
Fashionable (best dressed)

But I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love
I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love

If I lay down
What would I be
What if I starved
Would you like me

What have I done
Would you show me
How I lost my grip
Will you stand by me

I'm a beautiful (beautiful)
Powerful (powerful)
Fashionable (best dressed)

But I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love
I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love

I'm a beautiful (beautiful)
Powerful (powerful)
Fashionable (best dressed)

But I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love
I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love

I'm a beautiful (beautiful)
Powerful (powerful)
Fashionable (best dressed)

But I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love
I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love

Who Do You Love

You know it always feels like
You take her side
Clicks her fingers
And you arrive to see her cry
I’ve got two of my own kids
I’m a slave to my mortgage
I don’t ask you for nothing
Will it always be like this?

And you’re struggling to hide it
And I know you’ve decided
It’s not each in your own way
I can tell but you won’t say

Who do you love? [x10]
Who do you love? [x10]
Who do you love?

She reads like a textbook
I do things in other ways
Never did understand
And when she cries I walk away
She’s has younger than my kids
You’re a slave for her baggage
And I try but it wears thin
To be nice but I can’t win

And you’re struggling to hide it
And I know you’ve decided
It’s not each in your own way
I can tell but you won’t say

Who do you love? [x10]
Who do you love? [x10]
Who do you love?

Mother, mother, mother
I’m in need of your attention
Can we hold a conversation
Where she goes without a mention?
If I make it look easy
You can blame my good intentions
Take a walk in my world
Take a walk in my world

Who do you love? [x10]
Who do you love? [x10]
Who do you love?

Wind Your Neck In

Why don't you keep your eyes on the road
Keep yourself to yourself
Or you're gonna explode
Don't concern yourself in my shit
If I told you the truth
Well you probably couldn't handle it
What's it got to do with you
I don't care what you get up to
Didn't ask for your opinion
Not your business
Wind your neck in

Why'd you think you're better
Little rubber-necker
No one likes a trouble maker
Pull up your socks
There's nothing to see here
Why'd you have to be here
Can't you turn around and get back into your box

Wind your neck in

I always said each to their own
Won't you give me a break
Won't you throw me a bone
I'm a different cat or a fish
If you don't understand
Just look the other way, you bitch
I'll do my thing, you do your's
What you get up to behind closed doors
No of interest, I've no opinion
It's not my business
Wind your neck in

Why'd you think you're better
Little rubber-necker
No one likes a trouble maker
Pull up your socks
There's nothing to see here
Why'd you have to be here
Can't you turn around and get back into your box

The rubber-neckers slow me down
When will they ever work it out
No, they can't run me out of town

Why'd you think you're better
Little rubber-necker
No one likes a trouble maker
Pull up your socks
There's nothing to see here
Why'd you have to be here
Can't you turn around and get back into your box

Somewhere Only We Know

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting tired and I need someone to rely on

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything,
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know
Somewhere only we know

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need someone to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
'Cause this could be the end of everything,
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know?


I'm a beautiful (beautiful)
Powerful (powerful)
Fashionable (best dressed)

But I'm miserable without your love
Miserable without your love
I am miserable without your love
Miserable without your love

Hard Out Here

I suppose I should tell you what this bitch is thinking
You'll find me in the studio and not in the kitchen
I won't be bragging 'bout my cars or talking 'bout my chains
Don't need to shake my ass for you 'cause I've got a brain

If I told you 'bout my sex life, you'd call me a slut
When boys be talking about their bitches, no one's making a fuss
There's a glass ceiling to break, uh-huh, there's money to make
And now it's time to speed it up 'cause I can't move at this pace

Sometimes it's hard to find the words to say
I'll go ahead and say them anyway
Forget your balls and grow a pair of tits

It's hard, it's hard, it's hard out here for a bitch
It's hard for a bitch (for a bitch) for a bitch,
It's hard
It's hard out here for a bitch
It's hard for a bitch (for a bitch) for a bitch,
It's hard
It's hard out here

If you're not a size six, then you're not good looking
Well, you better be rich, or be real good at cooking
You should probably lose some weight 'cause we can't see your bones
You should probably fix your face or you'll end up on your own

Don't you want to have somebody who objectifies you?
Have you thought about your butt? Who's gonna tear it in two?
We've never had it so good, uh-huh, we're out of the woods
And if you can't detect the sarcasm, you've misunderstood



A bitch, a bitch, a bitch, bitch, bitch [4x]

Inequality promises that it's here to stay
Always trust the injustice 'cause it's not going away
Inequality promises that it's here to stay
Always trust the injustice 'cause it's not going away


[Chorus 2x]


Life For Me

When the day's over and I have a second to myself
I lie on the sofa watching TV
Get on the computer and start checking up on everyone else
On everyone else

Looking at all the pictures
Up to all sorts of mischief
Some of them are ridiculous
Everything's there to see

Everyone looks so wasted
Totally off their faces
I feel so isolated
Everyone there but me

Why does it feel like I'm missing something?
"Been there and done that" was good for nothing
Everything's perfect, yeah I'm as content as can be
This is the life for me (This is the life for me, yeah)

Tell me I'm normal for feeling like this
It's a bit early for a midlife crisis
Everything's perfect, yeah I'm as content as can be
This is the life for me (This is the life for me, yeah)

I'm not complaining but last night I hardly slept at all
But actually yes I am complaining
No energy left in me, the baby might have taken it all
Cause I've hit the wall

Please don't think that I'm being rude
Honey I'm just not in the mood
I'm head to toe in baby food
So please will you give it a rest

It's not that I don't love you
And it's not that I don't want to
Honestly baby to tell you the truth
I feel like a bit of a mess

Why does it feel like I'm missing something?
"Been there and done that" was good for nothing
Everything's perfect, yeah I'm as content as can be
This is the life for me (This is the life for me, yeah)

I could never get bored of it
And most of the time I love this
But sometimes I get nostalgic
When actually I'm complete

Why does it feel like I'm missing something?
"Been there and done that" was good for nothing
Everything's perfect, yeah I'm as content as can be
This is the life for me (This is the life for me, yeah)

Everything's perfect, yeah I'm as content as can be
This is the life for me (This is the life for me, yeah)

Silver Spoon

[Verse 1:]
So I went to posh school
Why would I deny it?
Silver spoon at the ready
So don't even try it
Yeah the house I grew up in it was Georgian
Ten bedrooms, beautiful proportions
Can't say that life isn't easy
Double negative: can't nothing please me?
Only make it here
Cause of my daddy
Fuck your tea bags
Yo, where's my tea caddy?

(This life, that life)
Life isn't fine but we all can try
(Not fair, it's not right)
Doing my thing I'm just
Keeping my head down and...

Do we have to
Keep talking about
Where you think it is I'm from?
And I'ma make you see
You don't know me
You don't know me
No things never change
No telling some people
I don't believe
I'm still here
Still telling you that you're wrong
And aren't you losing sleep?
You don't know me
You don't know me
No things never change
No telling some people

[Verse 2:]
So I got a trust fund, so what am I doing?
Buying property, can't be bothered with the viewings
I'm getting hungry, could you fetch my butler?
Step back I couldn't be any humbler
Sucked dick, got signed to a major
I'll do anything just to entertain you
I'm from West 11, and when it's over
I'm going straight to heaven in a Range Rover



Round and round again (Oh, oh)
Please could you repeat the question?
Driving round the bend (Oh, oh)
I've heard it all before, and then some
Round and round again (Oh, oh)
Please can you repeat the question?

Doing my thing I'm just
Keeping my head down and...


And I'ma make you see
You don't know me
You don't know me
No things never change
No telling some people

And aren't you losing sleep?
You don't know me
You don't know me
No things never change
No telling some people

And I'ma make you see
You don't know me
You don't know me
No things never change
No telling some people

URL Badman

I work at home in my parents' basement
I don't troll, I make statements
I'm not a cliche sittin' in my PJ's
Double cupping at lunch on a Tuesday
I'm like Drake, see? So don't hate me!
I get vexed if you don't appreciate me
Real talk, I'll put the world to rights
And when I'm a big boy I'm gonna write for Vice

It's not for me?
It must be wrong
I could ignore it and move on
But I'm a Broadband Champion
A URL Badman
And if you're tryna call it art
I'll have to take it all apart
I got a high-brow game plan
A URL Badman

I'm a U-R-L B-A-D M-A-N without empathy
I got a high-brow game plan
A URL Badman
I'm a U-R-L B-A-D M-A-N and you're dead to me
Cause I'm a Broadband Champion
A URL Badman

Back to calls with no prescription
Short-shorts with conviction
Supreme palace, APC
Sizzurp in a chalice, yeah, that's so me
I'm a London white boy rapping ATL
Keyboard Warrior that can't spell
I don't like you, I think you're worthless
I wrote a long piece about it up on my WordPress

It's not for me?
It must be wrong
I could ignore it and move on
But I'm a Broadband Champion
A URL Badman
And if you're tryna call it art
I'll have to take it all apart
I got a high-brow game plan
A URL Badman

I'm a U-R-L B-A-D M-A-N without empathy
I got a high-brow game plan
A URL Badman
I'm a U-R-L B-A-D M-A-N and you're dead to me
Cause I'm a Broadband Champion
A URL Badman

I like Jordans, Jay Rich, DJ Scream
I'm as complex, Pitchfork, Winnie The Pooh
I'm a space ghost perpetrator
But I have to violate her
Checked the Tyler the Creator
Blogospheric mimicator
A$AP, Kanye, XX remix
Mike Jones, Cornwall, I need a Kleenex
I don't like girls much, they kinda silly
Unless of course they wanna play with my willy

I'm a U-R-L B-A-D M-A-N without empathy
I got a high-brow game plan
A URL Badman
I'm a U-R-L B-A-D M-A-N and you're dead to me
Cause I'm a Broadband Champion
A URL Badman

Close Your Eyes

Hey hey
Hey hey

Baby baby
I have to say
That there's something you should know
When I'm standing there in my underwear
I know that I've let myself go
But I still feel sexy
When you undress me
And whisper in my ear
Come over here
Come over here

Let's spice it up, you can dress me up
I'll be anyone you like
Get my leathers on
Yeah, Let's get it on
Come on, ride me like a bike
I'll be Beyoncé
Baby say my name
Tonight you are my Hova
Baby come over
Baby come over

Close your eyes
Baby take off your shirt
I'ma just hit the lights
Come on let me get to work
I'm gonna hypnotize you
Then I'm gonna yank your chain
We can do it again
All over again

Driving your sedan up to my mini van
I see you in my mirror
Ain't no other chick
Gonna cut my shit
You know I'll have to kill her
You know how to use
That I'm 'bout to lose it
You blow my fucking mind
Park it right up behind
Park it right up behind

Close your eyes
Baby take off your shirt
I'ma just hit the lights
Come on let me get to work
I'm gonna hypnotize you
Then I'm gonna yank your chain
We can do it again
All over again

Where d'ya learn to do the things you do?
You're everything, you're all my dreams come true
You know your way around like no one else
Right there
Like you care
You're so close, so nearly there
Ooh yeah!

Come on now baby, yeah
Come on now baby, yeah
Come on baby, right there
Come on baby now, yeah
Come on baby, yeah
Come on baby not there
Come on baby, yeah

Close your eyes
Baby take off your shirt
I'ma just hit the lights
Come on let me get to work
I'm gonna hypnotize you
Then I'm gonna yank your chain
We can do it again
All over again

As Long As I Got You

As I lay down on the bed
Try'na come to terms with what has just been said
I don't know where I should look or what to say
Is this happening to us today?

If I could then I would scream
I'd wipe the tears off of my face
Wake me up if it's a dream
This is more than I can take
I'd give everything I own
If someone else could take my place
Will someone else please take my place?

How can life be so unfair?
I can't breathe, in fact I'm choking on the air
It's all over, I can see it on your eyes
Pull my hand down, heavily I sigh

If I could then I would scream
I'd wipe the tears off of my face
Wake me up if it's a dream
This is more than I can take
I'd give everything I own
If someone else could take my place
Will someone else please take my place?

If I could then I would scream
I'd wipe the tears off of my face
Wake me up if it's a dream
This is more than I can take
I'd give everything I own
If someone else could take my place
Will someone else please take my place?

Take My Place

As I lay down on the bed
Try'na come to terms with what has just been said
I don't know where I should look or what to say
Is this happening to us today?

If I could then I would scream
I'd wipe the tears off of my face
Wake me up if it's a dream
This is more than I can take
I'd give everything I own
If someone else could take my place
Will someone else please take my place?

How can life be so unfair?
I can't breathe, in fact I'm choking on the air
It's all over, I can see it on your eyes
Pull my hand down, heavily I sigh

If I could then I would scream
I'd wipe the tears off of my face
Wake me up if it's a dream
This is more than I can take
I'd give everything I own
If someone else could take my place
Will someone else please take my place?

If I could then I would scream
I'd wipe the tears off of my face
Wake me up if it's a dream
This is more than I can take
I'd give everything I own
If someone else could take my place
Will someone else please take my place?

Insincerely Yours

What's going on in the magazines?
It's the same damn thing in every one
I don't give a fuck about Delevigne
Or that Rita girl
About Jourdan Dunn
I don't wanna know about your perfect life
Your perfect wife and it makes me sick
I don't give a fuck about your instagram
About your lovely house or your ugly kids

I'm not your friend and I can't pretend
I ain't being funny, funny
Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money
If I force a smile and can make it worthwhile
Don't touch me honey, honey
Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money

Insincere, insincerely yours tonight
(Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money)
We're all here
We're all here cause the price is right
(Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money)

Whatever happened to the real DJs
Cause the chick you've paid can't mix for shit
She's looking good with her headphones on
With her Beats by Dre
She's so legit
I see pictures of her all the time
On the Mail Online, she's everywhere
Does anybody know what she does?
Do you know her name, do you really care?

I'm not your friend and I can't pretend
I ain't being funny, funny
Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money
If I force a smile and can make it worthwhile
Don't touch me honey, honey
Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money

Insincere, insincerely yours tonight
(Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money)
We're all here
We're all here cause the price is right
(Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money)

I've never been one to moan
But you're doing in my head now
Doing in my head
Doing in my head
Doing in my head
Will somebody take me home?
I'm ready for my bed now
Ready for my bed
Ready for my bed
Ready for my bed

Insincere, insincerely yours tonight
(Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money)
We're all here
We're all here cause the price is right
(Let's be clear
I'm here
I'm here to make money, money, money)

Our Time

It’s 2 am so I just stopped the music
I’m still swaying like I was on a cruise ship
Took the words straight out of my mouth
Come on everybody back to my house
Take my hand now, you’re coming over
It doesn’t matter you can sleep on my sofa
Bring some fags and bring some rizzlers
We’re gonna party like it’s nobody’s business

Let your hair down now
It’s the end of the week
And this is our time now
Let’s forget everything
And put your glad rags on
Dressing up like we’re queens of the night

We just wanna dance the night away
We don’t give a damn what people say
We’ve had enough so turn it up
Tonight we’re taking over
And we will wear our drink 'til we lose our minds
Wanna lose sense of space and time
We’re going through, It’s how we do
Tonight we’re taking over

I feel fly
I’m looking kenzo
I'll get high
But I ain't doing benzos
I might dance like your auntie
I don’t care cause we’re here to party
I got a quite good record collection
Yeah I got everything that came out on Def jam
I’ve got hip hop, I’ve got dub-step
I’ll take us right through from sunrise to sunset

Let your hair down now
It’s the end of the week
And this is our time now
Let’s forget everything
And put your glad rags on
Dressing up like we’re queens of the night

We just wanna dance the night away
We don’t give a damn what people say
We’ve had enough so turn it up
Tonight we’re taking over
And we will wear our drink 'til we lose our minds
Wanna lose sense of space and time
We’re going through, it’s how we do
Tonight we’re taking over

Drink a little more and
Dance a little harder
Shout a little louder, if you like
Move a little faster
Stand a little taller
Do whatever makes you feel alright

Drink a little more and
Dance a little harder
Shout a little louder if you like
Move a little faster
Stand a little taller
Do whatever makes you feel alright

Go hard
Go harder now
Go hard
Go harder now

We just wanna dance the night away
We don’t give a damn what people say
We've had enough so turn it up
Tonight we’re taking over
We will drink 'til we lose our minds
Wanna lose sense of space and time
We’re going through, it’s how we do
Tonight we’re taking over

(Go harder)
We just wanna dance the night away
We don’t give a damn what people say
We've had enough so turn it up
Tonight we’re taking over
(Go harder)
And we will wear our drink til we lose our minds
Wanna lose sense of space and time
We’re going through, it’s how we do
Tonight we’re taking over

Air Balloon

Somebody remind me where I am
Miami or Timbuktu?
Did I ever tell you my uncle's monkey ran away from the zoo?
Would you tell me what this all means?
What happens if I go through that door?
Cause I'm looking up at the ceiling, but it's turning into the floor

When I'm bored, I, kinda drift away,
I'm not sure, quite, why we work all day
I've been thinking, and I've got this plan

Let's go, right now

Come meet me in the sky I'll be waiting for you
And we can't hear what they say
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon
Sing, sing along, along any song you want to
Now we're so high, it can't rain
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon (ha)

Na na na na na na...mmmm
Na na na na na na...mmmm

I don't like dropping names but Kurt Cobain is all in my face
How the hell am I gonna tell him Elvis already took first base?
In and out of the blue this cruise is losing altitude, all we need
Is a little more elevation, take me back to where I can breathe.

When I'm bored, I, kinda drift away
I'm not sure, quite, why we work all day
I've been thinking, and I've got this plan

Let's go, right now

Come meet me in the sky I'll be waiting for you
And we can't hear what they say
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon
Sing, sing along, along any song you want to
Now we're so high, it can't rain
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon (ha)

Na na na na na na...mmmm
Na na na na na na...mmmm
Na na na na na na...mmmm
Na na na na na na...mmmm

Shake it, sh- shake it now
Gimme, gimme some
Sailing sa-sailing through the clouds
Trippin' trip trip it now

Shake it, sh- shake it now
Gimme, gimme some
Sailing sa-sailing through the clouds
Trippin' trip trip it now

Come meet me in the sky I'll be waiting for you
And we can't hear what they say
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon
Sing, sing along along any song you want to
Now we're so high it can't rain
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon

Come meet me in this.....Na na na na na na


[Verse 1:]
Good lover, good lover
Feels good like a long hot summer
Late comer, he's a late comer
My man is a bad motherfucker
He can bring it, bring it all day long
All other man, them been wrong
Nobody will get to see
'Cause he's gonna spend his life with me

You can't have him
No way, he's taken ladies
I've got me his babies
Look at my ring
He's going nowhere till this fat lady sings

And when I see his face
I feel like I can win the race
And when he calls, when he calls my name
I know we're in the long game
Why would I leave him for?
I couldn't ask for any more
I wouldn't send, I wouldn't send him back
He won me game, set, and match

Late comer, he's a late comer

[Verse 2:]
My lover, my lover
Shoots and scores like he's Maradona
Under cover, under the covers
My man is a bad motherfucker
Anybody, anyone could see
I'd have caught him eventually
Me and him have a thing that's rare
Other girls can look elsewhere



[Bridge: x2]
You can look girl but you can't touch
Don't know why I love him so much
Can't put this thing into words
My love for him's absurd

[Chorus x2]



Been here before, so I’m prepared
Not gonna lie though, I’m kinda scared
Lace up my gloves, I’m going in
Don’t let me kids watch me when I get in the ring

I’ll take the hits, roll with the punches
I’ll get back up, it’s not as if I’ve never done this
But then again, the game is changing
Can’t just come back, jump on the mic, and do the same thing

There goes the bell, I know that sound
I guess it’s time for me to go another round
Now wish me luck, I’m gonna need it
I’ll see you on the other side, if I’m still breathing

Ri-Ri isn’t scared of Katy Perry’s roaring
Queen B’s going back to the drawing
Lorde smells blood, yeah, she’s about to slay you
Kid ain’t one to fuck with when she’s only on her debut

We’re all watching Gaga, L-O-L-O, haha
Dying for the art, so really she’s a martyr
The second best will never cut it for the divas
Give me that crown, bitch, I wanna be Sheezus

I’m ready for all the comparisons
I think it’s dumb and it’s embarrassing
I’m switching off, no longer listening
I’ve had enough of persecution and conditioning

Maybe it’s instinct, we’re only animal
Maybe it’s healthy, maybe it’s rational
It makes me angry, I’m serious
But then again, I’m just about to get my period

Periods, we all get periods
Every month, that’s what the theory is
It’s human nature, another cycle
Be nice to me, I’ll make you one of my disciples

Ri-Ri isn’t scared of Katy Perry’s roaring
Queen B’s going back to the drawing
Lorde smells blood, yeah, she’s about to slay you
Kid ain’t one to fuck with when she’s only on her debut

We’re all watching Gaga, L-O-L-O, haha
Dying for the art, so really she’s a martyr
The second best will never cut it for the divas
Give me that crown, bitch, I wanna be Sheezus

I am born again, now run along and tell
All of your friends to come and join us
Give yourselves to me, I am your leader
Let me be Sheezus

I am born again, now run along and tell
All of your friends to come and join us
Give yourselves to me, I am your leader
Let me be Sheezus

Fag Hag

I like apple pie
And you like banoffee
We both love shopping for furniture
And meeting for coffee
We pretend we're into art galleries
'Cause it makes us feel clever
We're both in our element when we're on our knees
Whatever the weather

I could be your fag hag
And you could be my gay
I'll never make you feel sad
When you come out to play

I could be your fag hag
And you could be my gay
I'll never make you feel sad
When you come out to play

We don't give a fuck
What people are thinking
I know you'll always look out for me
When we go out drinking
I can ask you things I can't ask anyone
And you'll give me direction
Apart from me, you're the only other person I know
Who reads the travel section

I could be your fag hag
And you could be my gay
I'll never make you feel sad
When you come out to play

I could be your fag hag
And you could be my gay
I'll never make you feel sad
When you come out to play

I could be your fag hag
And you could be my gay
I'll never make you feel sad
When you come out to play

I could be your fag hag
And you could be my gay
I'll never make you feel sad
When you come out to play

Kabul Shit

There's a hole in our logic
There's a hole in the sky
And one day just like magic
We're all going to die
'Cause we didn't turn the lights off
And we didn't take the bus
Even though we know we should have
Oh, silly old us

Well we should have recycled
And saved our resources
While there's still someone else’s
Someone call the armed forces
And we'll blame it on terror
Also known as religion
But we shouldn't feel guilt
For protecting our children

Excuse me, sir
But is this what they call denial
Just to carry on regardless
We'll only do it for a while
We'll carry on straight down the line
Down the road to nowhere
Do you know where it is leading us
And do we even wanna go there

I don't have the answers
I don't know where we start
Start to pick up all the pieces
Of everything we've torn apart
Now, you'd think that we'd be grateful
For the fact we've got a choice
Instead we throw it back at people
Who don't even have a voice

And the teachers always told us
Told us we should love thy neighbor
And my mother always told me
Told me I should vote [new?] labor
But I don't know who to trust
And I just find it all confusing
All as useless as each other
Past the point of being amusing

Excuse me, sir
But is this what they call denial
Just to carry on regardless
We'll only do it for a while
We'll carry on straight down the line
Down the road to nowhere
Do you know where it is leading us
And do we even wanna go there


Excuse me, sir
But is this what they call denial
Just to carry on regardless
We'll only do it for a while
We'll carry on straight down the line
Down the road to nowhere
Do you know where it is leading us
And do we even wanna go there

He Wasn't There

He wasn't there when I needed him
No, he was never around
His reputation was preceding him
And he was out on the town
It didn't matter if he let me down
I didn't care about the lies
Now all I knew was that he loved me very much
He was my hero in disguise

I'm so pleased I never gave up on him
Oh well you wouldn't believe some of the things that he did
And everyone said you have to give him some time
And I'm glad that I gave it to him cause now everything's fine

Now you see I never thought you'd be a constant person in my life
And I don't think that you would be if you'd have stayed with your ex-wife
I know you wouldn't but there is no need
No need to apologise
Because I know you'll always love me very much
You are my hero in disguise

I'm so pleased I never gave up on him
Oh well you wouldn't believe some of the things that he did
And everyone said you have to give him some time
And I'm glad that I gave it to him cause now everything's fine

You might have thought you didn't teach me much
But you taught me right from wrong
And it was when you didn't keep in touch
Well it taught me to be strong
And just in case you ever thought I would
I wouldn't change you for the world
Because I know you'll always love me very much
I'll always be you're little girl

I'm so pleased I never gave up on him
Oh well you wouldn't believe some of the things that he did
And everyone said you have to give him some time
And I'm glad that I gave it to him cause now everything's fine


Would you please take me away from this place
I cannot bear to see the look upon your faces
And if there is some kind of god do you think he's pleased
When he looks down on us I wonder what he sees
Do you think he'd think the things we do are a waste of time
Maybe he'd think we are getting on just fine
Do you think he's skint or financially secure
And come election time I wonder who he'd vote for

Ever since he can remember people have died in his good name
Long before that September
Long before hijacking planes
He's lost the will he can't decide
He doesn't know who's right or wrong
But there's one thing that he's sure of this has been going on too long

Do you think he'd drive in his car without insurance
Now is he interesting or do you think he'd bore us
Do you think his favourite type of human is caucasian
Do you reckon he's ever been done for tax evasion
Do you think he's any good at remembering people's names
Do you think he's ever taken smack or cocaine
I don't imagine he's ever been suicidal
His favourite band is Creedence Clearwater Revival

Ever since he can remember people have died in his good name
Long before that September
Long before hijacking planes
He's lost the will he can't decide
He doesn't know who's right or wrong
But there's one thing that he's sure of this has been going on too long

Ever since he can remember people have died in his good name
Long before that September
Long before hijacking planes
He's lost the will he can't decide
He doesn't know who's right or wrong
But there's one thing that he's sure of this has been going on too long


I see you from the sky
And I wonder how long it will take me to get home
I wait for an hour or so at the carousel
I have a cigarette to pass the time
Cause the traffic's hell

I don't want anything more
Than to see your face when you open the door
You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV
Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk
And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk
I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV

You wipe the tears from my eye
And you say that all that it takes is a phone call
I cry at the thought of being alone and then
I wonder how long it will take til I'm home again

I don't want anything more
Than to see your face when you open the door
You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV
Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk
And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk
I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV

I know it doesn't seem so fair
But I'll send you a postcard when I get there

I don't want anything more
Than to see your face when you open the door
You'll make me beans on toast and a nice cup of tea
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV
Tomorrow we'll take the dog for a walk
And in the afternoon then maybe we'll talk
I'll be exhausted so I'll probably sleep
And we'll get a Chinese and watch TV

Who'd Have Known

It's 5 o clock in the morning,
Conversation got boring,
You said you're going to bed soon,
So I snuck off to your bedroom,
And I thought i'd just wait there,
Untill I heard you come up the stairs,
And I pretended I was sleeping,
And I was hoping you would creep in with me.

You put your arm around my shoulder,
It was as if the room got colder,
And we moved closer in together,
And started talking about the weather,
You said tomorow would be fun,
And we could watch A Place In The Sun,
I didn't know where this was going,
When you kissed me.

Are you mine? Are you mine?
Cos I stay here all the time,
Watching telly, Drinking wine,
Who'd have known, Who'd have known?
When you flash up on my phone,
I no longer feel alone,
No longer feel alone.

I haven't left you for days now,
And I'm becoming amazed how,
Your quite affectionate in public,
In fact your friend said it made her feel sick,
And even though it's moving forward,
There's just the right amount of awkward,
And today you accidentally,
Called me baby.

Are you mine? Are you mine?
Cos I stay here all the time,
Watching telly, Drinking wine,
Who'd have known, Who'd have known?
When you flash up on my phone,
I no longer feel alone,

Let's just stay, Let's just stay,
I wanna lie in bed all day,
We'll be laughing all the way,
You told your friends,
They all know,
That we exsist but we're taking it slow,
Lets just see how we go,
Now let's see how we go.

Fuck You (Very Much)

Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
'Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor

So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Do you get
Do you get a little kick out of being slow-minded?
You want to be like your father
It's approval you're after
Well that's not how you find it

Do you
Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful?
'Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
You're losing control of it and it's really distasteful

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,
Fuck you

You say, you think we need to go to war
Well you're already in one,
'Cause its people like you
That need to get slew
No one wants your opinion

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
'Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you

Never Gonna Happen

I don't wanna hurt you cause I don't think it's a virtue
But you and I have come to our end
Believe me when I tell you that I never wanna see you again
And please can you stop calling cause it's getting really boring
And I've told you I don't want to be friends
Believe me when I tell you that I never wanna see you again

How on earth could I be any more obvious?
It never really did and now it's never gonna happen with the two of us
I don't understand what it is that you're chasing after
But it makes me really sad to hear you sound so desperate
It just makes it harder

I can see how it's confusing - it could be considered using
When I call you up straight out of the blue
But I don't understand what else a girl in my position's to do
Now I know you feel betrayed but it's been weeks since I got laid
This doesn't mean that I don't think you're a fool
But I don't understand what else a girl in my position's to do

How on earth could I be any more obvious?
It never really did and now it's never gonna happen with the two of us
I don't understand what it is that you're chasing after
But it makes me really sad to hear you sound so desperate
It just makes it harder

I know it's rather ugly cause I know that you still love me
And this isn't any kind of excuse
I don't love you, I don't love you...

How on earth could I be any more obvious?
It never really did and now it's never gonna happen with the two of us
I don't understand what it is that you're chasing after

Back To The Start

When we were growing up you always looked like you were having such fun
You always were and you always will be the taller and the prettier one
People seem to love you
They gravitate towards you
That's why I started to hate you so much
And I just completely ignored you

I don't know why I felt the need to keep it up for oh so long
It's all my fault I'm sorry you did absolutely nothing wrong
I don't know why I felt the need to drag it out for all these years
All the pain I've caused you
The constant flow of all the tears
Believe me when I say that I cannot apologise enough
When all you ever wanted from me was a token of my love
And if it's not too late
Could you please find it deep within your heart
To try and go back go back to the start
Go back to the start

I've been so evil with my constant invasions
But you made it so easy for me
You always rise to the occasion
I'll always pull you up on every stupid thing that you say
But I found it so entertaining
Messing around with your head

I don't know why I felt the need to keep it up for oh so long
It's all my fault I'm sorry you did absolutely nothing wrong
I don't know why I felt the need to drag it out for all these years
All the pain I've caused you
The constant flow of all the tears
Believe me when I say that I cannot apologise enough
When all you ever wanted from me was a token of my love
And if it's not too late
Could you please find it deep within your heart
To try and go back go back to the start
Go back to the start
Go back to the start
Go back to the start

This is not just a song
I intend to put these words into action
I hope that it sums up the way that I feel to your satisfaction

I don't know why I felt the need to keep it up for oh so long
It's all my fault I'm sorry you did absolutely nothing wrong
I don't know why I felt the need to drag it out for all these years
All the pain I've caused you
The constant flow of all the tears
Believe me when I say that I cannot apologise enough
When all you ever wanted from me was a token of my love
And if it's not too late
Could you please find it deep within your heart
To try and go back go back to the start
Go back to the start

I Could Say

I could say that I'll always be here for you
But that would be a lie and quite a pointless thing to do
I could say that I'll always have feelings for you
But I've got a life ahead of me and I'm only 22

Since you've gone I've lost that chip on my shoulder
Since you've gone I feel like I've gotten older
Now you're gone it's as if the whole wide world is my stage
Now you're gone it's like I've been let out of my cage

You always made it clear that you hated my friends
You made me feel so guilty when I was running round with them
And everything was always about being cool
And now I've come to realise there's nothing cool about you at all

Since you've gone I've lost that chip on my shoulder
Since you've gone I feel like I've gotten older
Now you're gone it's as if the whole wide world is my stage
Now you're gone it's like I've been let out of my cage

Since you've gone I've lost that chip on my shoulder
Since you've gone I feel like I've gotten older
Now you're gone it's as if the whole wide world is my stage
Now you're gone it's like I've been let out of my cage


When she was 22 the future looked bright
But she's nearly 30 now and she's out every night
I see that look in her face she's got that look in her eye
She's thinking how did I get here and wondering why

It's sad but it's true how society says
Her life is already over
There's nothing to do and there's nothing to say
Til the man of her dreams comes along picks her up and puts her over his shoulder
It seems so unlikely in this day and age

She's got an alright job but it's not a career
Wherever she thinks about it, it brings her to tears
Cause all she wants is a boyfriend
She gets one-night stands
She's thinking how did I get here
I'm doing all that I can

It's sad but it's true how society says
Her life is already over
There's nothing to do and there's nothing to say
Til the man of her dreams comes along picks her up and puts her over his shoulder
It seems so unlikely in this day and age

It's sad but it's true how society says
Her life is already over
There's nothing to do and there's nothing to say
Til the man of her dreams comes along picks her up and puts her over his shoulder
It seems so unlikely in this day and age

Not Fair

Oh he treats me with respect
he says he loves me all the time
he calls me fifteen times a day
he likes to make sure that I'm fine

You know I've never met a man
who's made me feel quite so secure
he's not like all them other boys
they're all so dumb and immature

There's just one thing
that's getting in the way
when we go up to bed
you're just no good
it's such a shame

I look into your eyes
I want to get to know you
and then you make this noise
and it's apparent it's all over

It's not fair
and I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean

Oh, you're supposed to care
don't you never make me scream
you never make me scream

Oh, it's not fair
and it's really not ok
it's really not ok
it's really not ok

Oh, you're supposed to care
but all you do is take
yeah all you do is take

Oh I lie here in the wet patch
in the middle of the bed
I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by
I spent ages giving head

Then I remember all the nice things
that you've ever said to me
maybe I'm just overreacting
maybe you're the one for me

There's just one thing
that's getting in the way
when we go up to bed
you're just no good
it's such a shame

I look into your eyes
I want to get to know you
and then you make this noise
and it's apparent it's all over

It's not fair
and I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean

Oh, you're supposed to care
don't you never make me scream
you never make me scream

Oh, it's not fair
and it's really not ok
it's really not ok
it's really not ok

Oh, you're supposed to care
but all you do is take
yeah all you do is take

There's just one thing
that's getting in the way
when we go up to bed
you're just no good
it's such a shame

I look into your eyes
I want to get to know you
and then you make this noise
and it's apparent it's all over

It's not fair
and I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean
I think you're really mean

Oh, you're supposed to care
don't you never make me scream
you never make me scream

Oh, it's not fair
and it's really not ok
it's really not ok
it's really not ok

Oh, you're supposed to care
but all you do is take
yeah all you do is take

The Fear

I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I don't care about clever I don't care about funny
I want loads of clothes and fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

And I'll take my clothes off and it will be shameless
'Cause everyone knows that's how you get famous.

I'll look at the sun and I'll look in the mirror
I'm on the right track, yeah I'm on to a winner.

I don't know what's right and what's real anymore
And I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore
And when do you think it will all become clear?
'Cause I'm being taking over by The Fear

Life's about film stars and less about mothers
It's all about fast cars and cussing each other
But it doesn't matter cause I'm packing plastic
And that's what makes my life so fucking fantastic

And I am a weapon of massive consumption
And it's not my fault it's how I'm programmed to function



Forget about guns and forget ammunition
'Cause I'm killing them all on my own little mission
Now I'm not a saint but I'm not a sinner
Now everything's cool as long as I'm getting thinner
